To Prom or Not To Prom?

10 04 2008

That certainly IS the question. “You HAVE to go to your prom! Its your SENIOR PROM!” and “Prom is overrated. If you’re not going to have fun, then don’t go,” are two sides of this argument.

On the one hand, there’s the Pros for going to prom:

1. Its my Senior Prom, and furthermore the only prom I will have ever gone too. Besides, EVERYONE goes to prom, so why should I duck out.

2. What would prom be without Rena? [Granted, this is conceited, but I’ve actually heard that word on the street.]

3. Its going to be fun, and the experience of a lifetime. Why miss it?

So, those are reasons that I SHOULD go, and the most pressing one, to me, seems to be the idea that I’m only going to get one chance to do this right: I had better do it RIGHT. How can I miss one of the most socially important parts of my Senior year? And besides, I don’t want to be “that girl didn’t go to prom? why!?”

But then there are the cons.

1. ITS A HUGE HASSLE. Waiting in line for 35 dollar tickets that allow me to go spending two days in Ventura searching for a 100 dollar dress so that I can go to a prom and dance. Seems a bit much.

2. I HATE DRESSES. Even though I did win homecomming: homecoming

Even THAT dress was more then I liked for very long. Its just uncomfortable and annoying.

3. It might NOT be fun, and it seems that the drama surrounding prom is always more important then prom itself. Why make myself jump through those hoops?

So, I’m REALLY TORN. I mean, I know I SHOULD go, but it isn’t like there aren’t alternatives…And then again, how can there ever be an alternative for SENIOR PROM!? Then there’s prom nightmares….:

prom nightmare

AHH, I need everyone’s help: thoughts, comments, questions.

What would you do? and FURTHERMORE, what should I do?




4 responses

10 04 2008

i really think that you should go!!!
Fuck the dramma
i know you can stay out of it
just go!

11 04 2008

Go Rena, even if you stay for an hour, take your pics and go have a hotel party with your friends! I think you should go…especially because it seems like you’re so popular! Be Safe though. That’s my advice!

21 04 2008

Ah, no worries, i decided to go. Me and a pal just got our tickets and i just bought my dress and shoes.

I’m excited about it now, where as before i was dreading it.

I think my indecision was a product of PMS.
haha, that’s it. Blame Eve.

29 04 2008

Oh good. Yea, I’m going to slap Eve when I see her.

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